StocktoberFest 2019

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

A small October 12-13, 2019 messabout on Stockton Lake, Missouri. Just a handful of us present. The Piccup Pram sailed very well, in spite of my quickly knocked together mast being a foot shorter than I really needed it to be. The wind was 11mph gusting to 18-20 for much of the weekend, so I needed a reef tied in, anyway. It's an over-sized sail for that boat at 79 square feet.

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

A few other boats in attendance.

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

A Jim Michalak designed Mayfly 12

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

Coresound 17

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

A John Welsford Saturday Night Special

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

I really feel the Piccup Pram will be a lot of fun when the weather warms again. Over the colder months, I plan to add some removable floorboards, a splash rail along the edge of the decking that meets the cockpit, better rigging and maybe a tarp/boom tent setup for weekend sail camping/cruising.

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019

StoctoberFest Messabout 2019


Bruce Bateau said…
Short mast or tall, looks like fun.

How many boats are in your fleet now?
Trevor said…
I have my Chuckanut 12 SoF kayak, the kiddo's Kidyak kayak, which she's recently outgrown, the Lanui SoF standup paddle board for the Mrs. and this Piccup Pram. I took apart the SoF sailing canoe. It was too small and too slow. Fun in a protected cove, but I really couldn't range out with it. All that is left is the frame. I cut the skin from it and all the other bits have been fed to the backyard fire pit.

I'm planning to do a bit of weekend sail camping with the pram, once I make a few mods to allow better sleeping aboard, keeping splashed water out, etc. It's a better boat in every way than the canoe was and I still slide under Missouri's registration laws.

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