Sailing Canoe Update

I've managed to figure out the placement of the mast step and partner. The sail is certainly a little too big for the boat, so should be interesting! I may be riding the gunwales a bit in mid to heavy airs.

Still messing with the mast step placement.

The leeboard for the sailing canoe. It's a clip-on, loosely based on a Phill Bolger design. It fits snugly over the gunwales, which would be awesome if I hadn't forgot that I was planning to add 1/4 inch rub rails after skinning. Place face palm here. Hopefully I can figure out a workaround that doesn't involve taking the leeboard apart and rebuilding it. It's got eight screws and a lot of Titebond III holding it together at the moment.

The leeboard for the sailing canoe.

Lastly, I cashed in some pirate booty to order the polyester canvas for the boat this week. I need to move on to varnishing the frame in the next few days.

Pirate booty! Took a bunch of coins in a cigar box to the bank today. My inner child was beaming with pirate references. Aaaarrr!


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