Cigar Box Plein Air Pochade Box

I am currently working on a pochade box for painting watercolor work in the field. I've been enjoying doing more sketches in a live setting and need to iron out my setup some more. I'm hoping this helps out a bit. I picked up the cigar box a couple months ago from Just For Him tobacco shop and I've had the tripod since I bought a DSLR camera off of a friend last year. I need to make a few minor adjustments to the lid, add in some compartment walls, a tray of pigments and for mixing colors and I'm good to go.

Aside from the 1/4 - 20 receiver nut I fixed to the bottom of the box, I also added four corner risers to use the box as a table top easel.

Working on a cigar box watercolor sketching pochade for doing more plein air work.


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