A Trip to the Gun Range in Bois D'Arc (Colloquially Pronounced/Butchered as "Bow Dark")

A couple weekends back, I went to the Andy Dalton Gun Range in Bois D'Arc with my friend Ryan S. Had a great day shooting out there. I did pretty well with my rifle and revolver, but really shined with the shotgun. I bet I was hitting 6-7 out of eight clays, with a 16 kill streak at one point. I've never shot that well before. I'm really not much of a gun person. I just happen to own a few of my dad's old guns and go to the range very infrequently.

Shooting at the Andy Dalton Range in Bois D'Arc, Missouri

Shooting at the Andy Dalton Range in Bois D'Arc, Missouri

Ryan owns a few more toys than me. My revolver is on the left. (Edit: The other left.)

Shooting at the Andy Dalton Range in Bois D'Arc, Missouri

Shooting at the Andy Dalton Range in Bois D'Arc, Missouri

Shooting at the Andy Dalton Range in Bois D'Arc, Missouri

Shooting at the Andy Dalton Range in Bois D'Arc, Missouri


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