Genuine Norlund Splitting Axe Update

Genuine Norlund splitting axe

Over the weekend I gave the axe head a vinegar bath, scrubbed the funk off, sanded it, filed it, sanded the new handle free of varnish, hung the head, filed some more, sharpened it with a puck stone and oiled the handle with Danish oil. Not sure I did it all correctly, but it's really sharp and pretty. Now I need to make a sheath or carrying case of some kind.

Genuine Norlund splitting axe

I also finished up my thumbstick hiking stick project. It has a hickory or sassafras shaft, likely a pine head, a copper pipe end for a ferrule and a glued seizing of hemp for the collar. I also burned rings around the length of it in six inch intervals to help gauge water depth when creek crossing.

Thumbstick hiking stick

A nicely productive project weekend, overall.


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