StocktoberFest 2019
A small October 12-13, 2019 messabout on Stockton Lake, Missouri. Just a handful of us present. The Piccup Pram sailed very well, in spite of my quickly knocked together mast being a foot shorter than I really needed it to be. The wind was 11mph gusting to 18-20 for much of the weekend, so I needed a reef tied in, anyway. It's an over-sized sail for that boat at 79 square feet.
A few other boats in attendance.
A Jim Michalak designed Mayfly 12
Coresound 17
A John Welsford Saturday Night Special
I really feel the Piccup Pram will be a lot of fun when the weather warms again. Over the colder months, I plan to add some removable floorboards, a splash rail along the edge of the decking that meets the cockpit, better rigging and maybe a tarp/boom tent setup for weekend sail camping/cruising.
How many boats are in your fleet now?
I'm planning to do a bit of weekend sail camping with the pram, once I make a few mods to allow better sleeping aboard, keeping splashed water out, etc. It's a better boat in every way than the canoe was and I still slide under Missouri's registration laws.