Recent Artwork - Pyrography, Pallet Silhouettes and a Toned Paper Sketch

Cow skull in pyrography and acrylic.

So, last post, I had started to use my wood burner for artwork and not just for trimming polyester canoe and kayak skins. This past week, I stepped it up a notch and added a wash of watered down acrylic paint to the pyrograph image. I started with the cow skull and rose (above) and over the weekend, I added the rainbow and brown trouts to the collection. In nice fashion, I posted the skull piece to Facebook and within ten minutes, someone offered to buy it. I'm pretty happy about that.

Today, I made a brown trout to match the rainbow trout I did yesterday. Pyrography and acrylic paint.

Also, over the weekend, I managed to knock out a couple of shipping pallet Missouri silhouettes for two separate charity auctions. Posting about these on Facebook and Instagram, I was asked for orders for three more Missouri pieces as well as two Illinois pieces. So, that's pretty cool. This might actually push me to forming an Etsy account. I've kicked it around for a couple of years, but lately, I've had quite a bit more interest in my wooden decor type works.

Missouri recycled pallet artwork/decor.

Missouri recycled pallet artwork/decor.

And lastly, just a pen and ink sketch I did on toned paper of a house in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It's from a pic I took last spring, while on a camping and sketching trip I took solo down there. I may do another trip like that soon. It's pretty fun to get out and explore with a bag full of art supplies.

A house in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.


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