The Artwork is Up and Some Extra Recent Stuff

Just a quick photo/sketch post. My art is up at The Coffee Ethic coffee shop through September. 23 ink and watercolor pieces.

My artwork is now up at The Coffee Ethic coffee shop. Should be up through August and September.

Also, here are a couple of rustic sketches I did late last week that aren't in the group at the coffee shop. The first, from a pic I took in Akinsville, Missouri last winter. A town founded by my great great great grandfather. Once a thriving community based upon the railroad stop there, now just a handful of farms run by Mennonites. This sketch is of my great great grandfather Porter Davis Akin's old farm.

My great great grandfather Porter Davis Akin's farm in Akinsville, Missouri. Sketched from a pic I took last winter.

The second sketch is from a horseshoe pic I took while cabin camping in Cape Fair, Missouri, earlier in the year.

Keeping with the rustic theme. Sketching from a pic I took earlier in the year on a camp trip.


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