Dining and Cycling Local for Local Stuff

A couple of cycling charity-related events that we went to this week. Monday evening, we left work, picked up the kiddo from summer camp, changed clothes and rode eight miles round trip to Galloway Grill for the 1st Bike MS: Ozarks Ride Happy Hour. Turnout wasn't bad, I think we had maybe 25 people come out for it. My wife is on the local Walk and Bike MS Committees and I have signed up to ride the MS150 this September. We've also been asked to organize a Young Riders Committee to get more of a younger crowd interested in coming out. That's why there are so many cycling-related posts on my blog lately. I've got to put in a lot of saddle time ahead of the event.

1st Bike MS: Ozarks Ride Happy Hour at Galloway Grill

Wednesday night, pretty much a repeat of Monday, only we rode just shy of seven miles round trip to Bambino's Italian Cafe for the Bambino's for Bikes evening. They are giving 20% of last night's sales to Ozark Greenways and we wanted to come out and contribute. We spend a lot of time on the local trails. Our friends Curtis and Christy C. came out to meet us, as well as our old neighbor Todd W. Curtis even rode his tall bike.

Bambino's for Bikes Event. At Bambino's Cafe, 20% of the evening's proceeds went to Ozark Greenways.

The mileage we did last night coupled with my morning ride put my total bike miles for the day around 27.5 miles. I'm somewhat obsessed with tracking my rides for some reason. I know it's not a lot by some of my cyclist friends' standards, but its a lot for me!


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