I really need some cycling glasses
Yesterday evening, John S. and I rode from his house on the southwest side of town to Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, where we promptly got park rangered and told to leave. It was close to closing time. I had guessed that they'd let us ride it out and we could leave when we were done, but I guessed wrong. No biggie. This isn't a rant, I respect them wholeheartedly. The ride between John's house to the battlefield was brutal. Lots of incline and angry passing cars, trucks and SUVs. Apparently they choose not to follow the "share the road" bicycle signs everywhere out that way.
Anyway, after leaving the battlefield, we jogged over to Hwy. ZZ and towards the Republic High School, then hit Republic Rd. and eventually the South Creek Greenway, where, as usual, I got another damn bug in my eye. I imagine John is getting tired f sticking his fingers in my eyes, as this was the second time I couldn't get it myself. Hence the title of this post.
We managed to bump up our mileage last night a bit to 18.63 miles. Our longest ride before that was just shy of 15, I believe and my longest solo was right at 16. I also rode to work and back yesterday, so overall I biked 21 miles. Not too shabby! Only a few more months to go until the BikeMS150!