Coracle (Cwrwgl) Model
Coracles were some of the first boat types to come about. Having been made for thousands of years out of simple materials like willow and animal hides. Later being made with ash laths, calico or duck canvas and tar or bitumen paint to seal them. In Asia they are even made from woven split bamboo or put together with vertical staves like a giant wooden bucket or barrel.
I've been mildly fascinated with coracles for a few years, as well as their longer Irish cousins, the currach. Part of my family came over from Wales and Cornwall in the mid-1800s. When researching aspects of Welsh culture about the time my daughter was born, I discovered these funny little watercraft. I've been wanting to build one since, but there's only so much room in a one car garage and there's three boats in there already.
You could always bump up in a size a bit to an Irish currach, then you'd have them both in one boat.