Epoxy/The outrigger goes fully 3D

epoxy gluing the struts into the ama

Working with epoxy hasn't been nearly the daunting task that people make it out to be. Other than my inability to make a "pretty" job of things, it's been quite smooth to work with. I blame the aesthetic shortcomings on my impatience and complete apathy for a yacht finish. I just want to get it done and have it structurally sound. If it accidently gets built looking nice, then cool, if not, no big deal.

I managed to get the struts epoxyed into the ama yesterday afternoon. I still have to epoxy fillet the area around where the struts contact the surface fiberglass, but this thing is fully 3D and one major step closer to being on the water.

epoxy gluing the struts into the ama

epoxy gluing the struts into the ama

epoxy gluing the struts into the ama


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